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The jumpTAU & 50:50 Startups journey has begun!


This past weekend we welcomed our 37 entrepreneurs in an intensive 72-hours bootcamp in Tel-Aviv. Israelis, Palestinians, Jews, Arabs, Men, and Women were highly excited and engaged to start their entrepreneurial journey.

Thank you Tammy Avigdor and Avital Brown from PosiTeam Consulting & Training who ran 3 amazing, life-changing workshops, and gave their hearts to it.

Thank you Inbal Cohen Amitai - Desert Lighthouse Collaborations for an awesome ice-breaking session that brought us all together.

Thank you Eran Dror for an inspirational Ideation Workshop that left the entrepreneurs with a lot of food for thought.

Thank you NATHALIE OHANA and Shahar who led the funniest, deep and insightful Playback Theater workshop

And a huge applause to our fantastic 37 stars. We can't wait to see what awaits you.

Stay tuned!


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